2019/06/05 Update

Sorry for lacking update during whole May.

What we have done so far

Better Map search for these apps

  • DistancePinner

  • AddressFinder

  • Elevation

New Appstore screenshots

  • AddressFinder

Ads free option for these apps

  • DistancePinner

Still need to be done

Better Map search for these apps

  • Area

  • SunMap

Ads free option for these apps

  • SunMap

  • Elevation (API is very pricey and unfortunately we might implement Fair usage policy if we ever charge for Ads free)

New features

  • Coordinates point naming

  • Cross Promo

Another updates 26/04/19

Sorry for frequent update, but here are some updates

What we’ve done so far

  • New Site name. We are now “Mapnitude”

  • Ads free option for several apps

What we are going to do starting May

  • Better Map search for these apps

    • Area

    • DistancePinner

    • SunMap

    • AddressFinder

    • Elevation

  • Ads free option for these apps

    • DistancePinner

    • SunMap

    • AddressFinder

    • Elevation (API is very pricey and unfortunately we might implement Fair usage policy if we ever charge for Ads free)

  • New appstore screenshots

    • AddressFinder

  • New features

    • Coordinates point naming

    • Some big updates for AddressFinder

    • Cross Promo

  • Fixes for these apps

    • Nowplaying Localization ads

New features?


Let’s start with good news. We done all of Q2 roadmap by less than a month! wIth an exception of proper documentation of new features.

As a reminder, these apps are now available as Subscribe to remove ads.

InspireMe - (100 words limit for free users)

Nowplaying - (all features free)

Distance - (Two custom units limit for free user)

Coordinates - (all features free) < Coming soon.

Barcode - (all features free) < Coming soon

We will stop release frequent update for now until urgent bug fix is required.

For other apps not in the above list, we will only release an update if there is new feature to be added.

So please send us a suggestion.

Introducing Coordinates 3.8

Hello, I’m delighted to introduce you to new version of Coordinates App.

Version 3.8 came with new location monitoring feature by using in-device GPS.

iPhone Xs Max-03Coordinates - Navigate.png

Enter this menu by pressing “Arrow Zoom” button near bottom right of the screen. You can activate tracking mode by pressing “Current Location” Twice.

You could set coordinates type to any type. Not limited to just MGRS or UTM. Measured distance between current location and last selected pin is also provided.

Now I’m waiting App Store team to approves this version. So everyone can try it once it is ready for sale.

That’s all for Coordinates App. Thank you again for using my app.

PS. If you want more sophisticated GPS tracker. Please download GEOLOGGER

It’s been a week since I announced app development roadmap for Q2 2019.

Here is some progress.


  • I plan to reform this website into something less casual than what currently is. I will properly register a company within early of next year. So, I need a new name that isn’t myice92.

We got a name for our future company. We will announce it after we finish with paperworks!


  • Generate barcode and export to other apps (Within June)

Already started the project. semi-working prototype is almost ready


  • Large readout of all coordinates formats, I think it will be great for anyone who use the app on the field. (within May)

Completed! As shown above. I will polish UI afterward


  • Merging ThaiElev app with Elevation app. Beginning May, ThaiElev will be permanently removed.

Discontinuation update for ThaiElev apps has been released.

All Apps

  • Make sure that all app will backward compatible with iOS 9 (from next version onward)

These app confirmed to work with iOS 9

  • Area

  • Elevation

  • Nowplaying

  • Coordinates

  • ThaiLaos

  • InspireMe

  • NowPlaying

  • Proper Documentation will be clearly written for all apps. Including Barcode app. I will purchase upgrade to hosting plan on this website to cover more contents

Not yet. Probably within this week

  • Link to Instruction / Privacy Policy / Blog

By next version

Selected apps

  • Subscribe to remove Ads. I plan to implement this feature once I should make sure these apps would be able to work almost flawlessly on iOS 9 - 12+ Onward. Pricing will be different between apps. I expect first app will be live within April

InspireMe and Nowplaying with option to remove ads now waiting for review. Once these two apps live on the App Store. I will keep working on the rest.

That’s all for now

Have a good day!

PS. Just to get everyone know that I don’t receive any new mail for quite sometimes now. As a reminder. Please feel free to drop me suggestion.

Decided to kill most of older apps


Here is some update regarding my apps collection.

Today, I remove 15 apps from my developer account. I stopped release new updates to most of these app since 2016. Removing these app would make my account a lot less cluttered.

Since I already left this app go for good :( I would like to share some stories behind these apps. :)

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Missing Melody!

Jump the music

This was my group project for Game Development during my 3rd year undergrad in 2011?. I got an A. So it was worth it. Originally released as a paid app.

It was featured at Raywenderlich back in 2012: https://www.raywenderlich.com/2918-readers-app-reviews-may-2012

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Another Doodle jump clone

I made this app using the same engine as MissingMelody. It is another doodle jump clone with character drawn by my University friend who is also an artist for Missing Melody! This game however was simply my personal project.



Number Tapping Game

Using engine from Digitap. My first ever iOS App. Tap sum of numbers which float on the screen.

Featured at AppAdvice: https://appadvice.com/game/app/additap/583977973

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I have no idea why I wrote this app back then

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Number Guessing Game. Simple game to unlock 3 digits padlock

This game was breaking some of design rules. I’m very surprised it survive until today

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RGB Hex Clock

Just a slowly transitioning background clock.

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Password Generator

Simple password randomiser tool. Way before Lastpass or dashlane even exist.

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Rub device’s screen to reveal hidden number. English version of joke Thai lotto app.

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Tapping color game

This app was fairly new comparing to others app here. I decided to kill it as well because I wasn’t able to attract enough install base. It seems like there are many web version of the game everywhere.

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Simple Protractor

Protractor with a quirk

It was one of my first first apps (No 7th to be exact). Put a thin sheet of paper to let light shine through paper as use it as protractor.

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Draw to measure

It was a funny app. This app was nothing but a grid on the screen. Then user draw a line with finger to measure length of the line.

This app is a reason why Distance app exists today.

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Random Pattern generator

This app is a successor of CircleMaker. $1 app which has similar feature.

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Simple doodle app


RandomCanvas HD

These two apps are plain similar. Drawing app with nothing but one type of brush.

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As the title said

I wrote so many map apps. However, I’m not really proud of this app because it can’t really do anything much apart from drawing simple line on the map. So I decided to remove it from my account as well.

That was a long list in my opinion, but I need to move on to make my main apps even better. Although many of these apps I remove today aren’t great enough to be left available for download. But it was quite a great journey and I did learnt a lot along the way. That’s why I’m still here today as an app developer.

Have a good day

Development Roadmap for Q2 2019

Hello, it’s been a while since my last update. It’s almost time for Songkran festival in Thailand. Most people here begin to have vacation, but I’m optout this year. Hope that I could spend more time coding.

Here are plans for April - June 2019


  • I plan to reform this website into something less casual than what currently is. I will properly register a company within early of next year. So, I need a new name that isn’t myice92.


  • Generate barcode and export to other apps (Within June)


  • Large readout of all coordinates formats, I think it will be great for anyone who use the app on the field. (within May)


  • Merging ThaiElev app with Elevation app. Beginning May, ThaiElev will be permanently removed.

All Apps

  • Make sure that all app will backward compatible with iOS 9 (from next version onward)

  • Proper Documentation will be clearly written for all apps. Including Barcode app. I will purchase upgrade to hosting plan on this website to cover more contents

  • Link to Instruction / Privacy Policy / Blog

Selected apps

  • Subscribe to remove Ads. I plan to implement this feature once I should make sure these apps would be able to work almost flawlessly on iOS 9 - 12+ Onward. Pricing will be different between apps. I expect first app will be live within April

If you have any new features you would like to see in our apps. Please feel free to send me a message. I will try my best to do it.

Have a good day!


Starting today, Apple now required screenshots for iPhone XS Max and iPad Pro Generation 3 to be included in the next app update.

Since, I’m doing screenshot manually using photoshop for every localisations. It will make much more time to push an update for some older apps.

Sorry for inconvenience.

We need a new name.

I use myice92 since launch, which is somewhat fine for personal email.

I’m planning to take a step forward and will register a company. So I need a new name for this website.

Some criteria that came into my head right now

  • 2-3 Syllables

  • Something to do with Map

  • And Obviously, Something to do with coding.

Obviously I can’t afford it at this price.

Obviously I can’t afford it at this price.

If anyone have some good ideas, please drop me an email!

More updates to Coordinates app

I’m delighted to introduce new update to Coordinates app.

If you missed out version 3.6 features, you can read it here.

Version 3.7!

Dedicated Search Page


We decided to separate search boxes to make it far less confusing for us to code a search feature. And because of that,

UTM Search, Web Mercator and World Mercator are now possible!

And the best of all

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-01-24 at 16.13.46.png
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-01-24 at 16.25.31.png

Search location name on the map!

We hope to bring this map search feature to all apps we have, but not until we perfect it.

Again, sorry for bad UI but I’d like you to get this new feature early while I’m working on better design.

After we done, we might as well call it version 4.0!

See you again next time.

Please feel free to send us a message here. We don’t hear anything from you since Version 3.6 :( :( :(

Note: Lan Lon Auto works exactly the same as legacy search. but we might stop offering MGRS option on this section.

Some good news

Hello everyone, I’m delighted to talk about new updates to our apps today.



We added whole new section to this app: Coordinates convertor.

Now you can convert lat & long coordinates, geodetic datums and projected systems. Search online database for any system / datum.

Press EPSG button to access this page

Sorry for bad UI. We will update this soon once we received more feedback

Sorry for bad UI. We will update this soon once we received more feedback

Search spartal reference list online

Search spartal reference list online


If search result is not available. Note that you can put your own custom system. Make sure it’s in proj4 format. for example:

+proj=lcc +lat_1=42.6833319 +lat_2=41.71666666666667 +lat_0=41 +lon_0=-71.5 +x_0=200000 +y_0=750000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs

put this line in code textbox and it will works just fine.


now we have new name for this app

Area & Distance - Map Measure

Yes. It’s now possible to measure distance within this app. We decided to merge DistancePinner into this one app.

Area and Distance in one app

Area and Distance in one app


The best thing with this update is that you no longer need to place center pin before start measuring! Any complex shape will works now as long as there’s no overlapping line!



The app is back up and running as normal. However, we need to add timer between each data access or we can’t provide the best app experience to everyone.



We added bunch of new localization. We still need more downloads to match our past BlastSim app.

We admit we releases new version very often during the past week. Sorry for inconvenience . In the meantime we will update documentation on this website to reflect new feature of our apps.

Again, feel free to contact us for any suggestion, or just talk to us! and we are sorry that we are unable to answer them all during last year.

That’s all about it. See you again next time!

Ps. Anyway, I’m still curious that is anyone is reading this blog. If you want to show that you came pass this, please write “ Katamari “ on the subject section and send me a message lol.
Not required. Just for fun :)

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year Everyone!

It’s been more than a year since my last post. Here’s some update

BlastMap is back under new App. BlastSim. Same feature, new name. You can check it out here:


See an outcome if nuclear weapon ever goes off in your city

Regarding Elevation App.

We are very sorry for the app downtime during Oct-Nov 2018. Our app user’s base grown by quite a margin so that our previous system can not support all user’s requests all at once. It took me very long while until I figured out what happen because I was away from my country for over a week without my working MacBook.

Now the situation has been solved, but cost of running this app is too high for the past two months. There will be some changes in the app coming soon to make sure every user will get best experience possible. We are sorry for inconvenience.