Instructions / Manual / How to use


1. The map contain False information. Cloud all over the place. satellite image out of date? Help!

Unfortunately we do not own these map data since they are provided by Apple Map. Please contact them directly if you have issue

1a. Why does the map show "Gulf of America" instead of "Gulf of Mexico"?

The naming of the Gulf of Mexico has become a political issue, with some U.S. sources referring to it as the "Gulf of America." Since our app uses Apple Maps data, we do not have control over the labels displayed.

If you believe the naming is incorrect or want to provide feedback, please contact Apple directly:

Please note that geopolitical naming conventions can vary based on regional policies and political decisions, leading to differences across various mapping platforms.

2. Is the app free to use?

All apps are free to use forever with ads enabled.

Paid option is available if you wish to remove all ads from the app. (Read more at Question 6)

3. Distance / DistancePinner? What’s the difference?

Distance - Draw on the screen to measure area and distance (best for complex shape)

Area / Distance - Drop pins on the screen to measure are and distance (Best for shape with straight lines).

DistancePinner - Drop pins on the screen to measure distance (Best for shape with straight lines) but with GPS distance counter.

4. There are so many map apps. Which app should I download?

Please check feature comparison table below (Updated 2019/08/21)

Screenshot 2019-08-21 15.00.39.png

5. Why Elevation data is not accurate?

For cloud data, our elevation data is Digital Surface Models (DSMs) at 30m resolution. It the height of the surface including objects (buildings, vegetation, etc). See below for clarification:


Please measure elevation on the empty area without large objects, or make adjustment when possible.

You may use GPS/Baro option (if available) to verify elevation of current location.

6. Why the app is not in English nor my language!

Some apps support multiple languages. However in some cases it may display wrong languages if your secondary language isn’t set properly. Please do the following to fix this issue:

Method 1: (Recommended)

  1. Go to device’s Settings / Scroll down until you see Coordinates app.

  2. Change languages as required

Method 2: Change device’s language

Go to device’s Settings / General / International / Language

  1. Select English or any other language you understand with as a secondary one.

  2. Tap Done

  3. Once the device's language has been changed, change it back to your main language.

7. ADS-Free Upgrade?

Go to setting menu by pressing “Wrench” button on the bottom right of the main page. Then “Purchase / Manage Subscription”

These apps are now available for ads-free subscription:

  • InspireMe

  • #Nowplaying

  • Distance

  • Coordinates

  • Area

  • BarcodeEasy

  • AddressFinder

  • DistancePinner

  • SunMap

  • Elevation

Regarding In-app pricing, we may increase price of subscriptions as we implement more features into the app. All users who subscribed to old price will subject to same subscription price forever (price won’t increase for you), as long as they don’t cancel.

8A. I paid for a subscription, but ads is still visible?

8B.I Purchased the app on my iPhone, may I have it on the iPad as well?

Please press “Restore Purchase” button on the bottom-left of Purchase page to restore any existing subscription. Make sure you login into correct Appstore account.

8.1 But the button doesn’t work. It shows “Existing Subscription Not Found”

Sometimes server error is causing this issue. Here’s a workaround. In five Steps

9. Is the Elevation app subscription price too high?

This topic in particular was raised by some spectators due to concern about the Elevation app subscription pricing.

The elevation app actively pulls data from 3rd party paid services which is not free, and they were charging hefty prices for their service. We were losing a lot of money to run this application to support the majority of free users.

Again, You are free to use the app forever if you wish to. However, paid users will have access to the most accurate data possible through Google Elevation API.

10. Translation is so bad. Can you fix this?

We’d love to. However, translation service cost a lot of money and we only picked few languages for certain apps only.

If you would like to help and it’s not too much burden. Please Contact Us.

12. Making change to subscription. (View, change, or cancel)

Please follow this instruction

13.My gps accuracy is bad, how can i improve it?


Improving GPS accuracy

GPS accuracy varies depending on the number of visible GPS satellites. Locating all visible satellites can take several minutes, with accuracy gradually increasing over time. Use these tips to improve GPS accuracy:

  • Ensure the date, time, and time zone are correctly set on the device in Settings > General > Date & Time. If possible, use Set Automatically.

    • Important: Incorrect settings on your computer can sync to your device. Verify the date, time, and time zone on any computer that syncs with your device.

  • Restart your device.

  • Verify that you have a cellular or Wi-Fi network connection. This allows the Assisted GPS (A-GPS) on the device to locate visible GPS satellites faster, in addition to providing initial location information using the Wi-Fi or cellular networks.

    • Note: Microcells (sometimes called Femtocells) are not supported with Location Services.

  • Maintain a clear view of the horizon in several directions. Keep in mind that walls, vehicle roofs, tall buildings, mountains, and other obstructions can block line of sight to GPS satellites. When this occurs, your device will automatically use Wi-Fi or cellular networks to determine your position, until the GPS satellites are visible again.


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